Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Was Wonderful

We woke very early, got dressed in our Sunday finery and headed off to church with Sydney, Bob, Shea, Nathan and Abby. 

We had a delicious Ham dinner at Sydney's home about 4:00P.M.  I made our family favorite potato salad and macaroni salad.  Rachel made a great green salad.  We had cream puffs with chocolate sauce for dessert.  We were stuffed!

Judy and Lisa brought chips and dip to snack on before dinner.  

Lisa was kind enough to play a game with Shea that he got from the "Easter Bunny".  Thanks, Lisa.


The Wallace Family said...

Love the photos!! Keep them coming, Mom!

Frances Wallace said...

Thanks Jenn. Love you.


About Me

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I've been married forever and hope to enjoy that union forever. I adore my family. I love new adventures. I love learning but have never finished my education. Do we ever finish learning. I hope not! Traveling is my passion. I would love to see the entire world.